Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Top 4 Myths About AC Filters and Why You Shouldn't Believe Them!

ducted heating vent filters

Air conditioner filters, as the name suggests, are designed to filter the air in our homes, making your environment as clean as possible. But there are plenty of myths about AC filters that people believe, even when they’re not true. Some claim that filters actually make the air dirtier, while others say they don’t serve any function at all. So which are true and which are false? Today we’ll discuss some common myths about ducted heating vent filters and why you shouldn’t believe them!

Myth #1: Filters are Expensive

While it is true that some high-quality filters may cost relatively higher up-front, they can help you save in the long run by extending the life of your system. It also helps to think about how much money you'll be saving on energy costs as a result of using a filter, which could make up for the initial cost. AC filters will need to be replaced on a regular basis. The more often you change the filter, the less expensive it becomes over the long term.

Myth #2: Only Dust Particles Will Be Filtered

The truth is that the purpose of a ducted heating vent filter is to reduce a wide range of airborne particles. In other words, AC filters are designed to eliminate both dust and allergens. They trap particulates like lint, pet hair, and pollen in their mesh netting. However, an air filter will also have a HEPA or electrostatic pre-filter that collects larger particles such as mould spores, and more. These allergens cause allergy symptoms and the majority of respiratory problems. With a good AC filter, you and your family can stay healthy.

Myth #3: Regular Replacement of AC Filters Is Not That Important

Regular replacement of an air conditioning filter is important for several reasons. The first is that it prevents dust from becoming embedded into the surface of your air conditioning unit. This can lead to overheating, which can cause wear and tear on the machine and shorten its lifespan. 

Secondly, if you don't change your filters regularly, they will become clogged with dirt and may not be able to provide the same level of cooling power as when they were new. If this happens, the air conditioner must work harder in order to cool your home or office space, leading to increased energy consumption.

Myth #4: All AC Filters Are the Same

Air filters are not just one size fits all. The filter’s efficiency depends on the size of the particles being filtered and the ducted heating filter material. For example, a HEPA filter removes 99.97% of particles, while a standard filter may trap only 90% of particles at that size.

One of the most important parts of your HVAC system is the air filter, which keeps your indoor air clean and free of contaminants like pollen, mould spores, dust mites, and dander. Talk to the HVAC experts if you have any questions about air conditioning filters or would like to opt for a ducted air conditioning filter replacement today.

5 Terrible Problems That Occur When You Ignore Your AC Filter

air conditioner filters suppliers

An air conditioning filter plays a crucial role in the operation of your central cooling system. If you don’t change your AC filter regularly, you’re putting yourself and your family at risk of suffering several health consequences, and you'll end up spending more money on repairs than necessary. According to air conditioner filters suppliers, here are five problems that can occur when you ignore your air filter replacement schedule: -

1. Short Cycling:

Air conditioning is one of the most important aspects of summer, and many people don't realise that ignoring your air filter, can cause serious problems for your AC unit. Short cycling occurs when the thermostat turns on the compressor prematurely before the coils are cool enough to begin cooling. This causes wear and tear on the compressor and can shorten its lifespan. In addition, this can decrease efficiency because it puts more work on your unit.

2. Poor Air Quality:

Poor air quality is one of the most common problems that can occur when you ignore your air filter. In addition, dust, pollen, and pet dander can wreak havoc on allergies and other respiratory issues. This is a serious issue if you or someone in your home has asthma or a related illness like COPD. Therefore, it is essential to replace your air filter regularly for better indoor air. If you don't know how often to change it, call the air conditioner filters suppliers for help.

3. Frozen Coils:

One of the most overlooked problems that occurs when you don't change your filter is frozen coils. In case you didn’t know, the coil is the part that actually cools the air in your system. It's what brings outside air in, passes it over refrigerant and sends it out inside your home. A dirty air filter prevents the smooth flow of air, which will then build up inside your AC unit and leads to the formation of ice on the coils.

4. Increased Wear & Tear:

When you don't replace your HEPA filters in Australia regularly, there is an increased likelihood that dirt and debris will enter your unit. This can cause the motor to wear out faster, leading to more expensive repairs.

5. Rising Energy Bills:

If you don't change your filter, you'll pay a lot more for energy bills. This is because the air will be dirtier and clog up the vents, making it harder for the air conditioner to work efficiently. Not only will this make it harder for the AC to cool your house, but it will also use a lot more energy, resulting in higher electric bills.

Your air conditioning system may seem insignificant when you have other more pressing things to worry about, but it plays a huge role in the comfort and health of your home. If you notice that your AC isn’t working as well as it once did, you should take a look at your air filter. Get in touch with the experts to replace or upgrade your HEPA filter for your air conditioner today.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Five Signs It's Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner Filter

air conditioner filters suppliers

If you own an air conditioner, you should know when to replace your filter, because it’s an important part of keeping your unit running in good condition and saving you money on your energy bills. If you don’t know how often to change your air conditioner filter, here are five signs explained by air conditioner filters suppliers that should tell you that it’s time to get one.

You Notice an Increase in Utility Bills

One sign that you may need to change the filter is an increase in utility bills. If you notice a sudden spike, you'll want to investigate what might be causing this. One cause could be that your home needs new filters. If the utility bills go back down and the AC seems to be working fine, then you can probably keep using the old one until it falls apart.

You Notice Poor Air Quality

When you notice poor air quality, it could be a sign that you need to change your filter. This can happen for a number of reasons, and is not always a result of clogged filters. There are many factors that contribute to the healthiness and quality of the air in your home. One way you can help combat these factors is by replacing your filters on a regular basis.

Your Air Conditioner Works Harder Than Usual

If the unit is working hard and doesn't seem like it's cooling off the room as well as usual, this might also be a sign.  This can be caused by a few different things, like a dirty air filter or a clogged coil. If you think that one of these is preventing your AC from working as efficiently as usual, it could be time for a replacement. Opt for energy saving hepa filter for air conditioner. A number of energy efficient features are available in newer models of AC units. However, an efficient unit is only half of what makes up an effective cooling system.

Air Is Not Cooling or Dehumidifying As Well As Before

If you notice that the air isn't cooling or dehumidifying as well as before, that may be a sign that it's time to change the filter. This will help increase efficiency and reduce energy costs. It is important to note that filters need changing more often when the system is in use for more than 12 hours per day.

The Coil Looks Dirty and Dusty

A dirty coil can cause problems with the efficiency and performance of your AC unit. Dirty coils will pull in more dust and dirt, which will just make them dirtier. That means that the AC won't be cooling as well, causing an increase in energy costs and wasted money for you. Dirty coils also mean that you are breathing a lot of particles into the air, which can lead to serious health issues down the road.

To ensure your air conditioner functions at optimal levels, it’s important to replace your air conditioner filter with more efficient ones like hepa filters Australia at the first sign of trouble.

Top 4 Myths About AC Filters and Why You Shouldn't Believe Them!

Air conditioner filters, as the name suggests, are designed to filter the air in our homes, making your environment as clean as possible. Bu...